<aside> 💬 Work hard, Play hard, Relax, and Have Some Fun


Nomad Life | Music | Crypto | Fitness & Wellness

About Me

Hi, I'm a hobby pianist from Vancouver, Canada, and I'm here to share my piano journey to become a better jazz musician. Hope you find some of the materials here helpful in achieving your goals!

What Improved my Piano Skills...

⬆️ Click on the image for details

What I'm Focusing Now...

While it's awesome that I have started building my repertoire, I think it's about time I invest more time in the foundation. Ultimately, I want to be able to play by ears, not by reading (and partially memorizing) sheet music. I also want to feel comfortable with reading lead sheet, to be able to confidently play chords instantaneously with nice voicing, and build up my vocabulary of phrases and licks, transpose on the fly, etc...

I’m currently focusing on:

Feel free to look at my Practice Logs on Youtube (no need to like or subscribe)

Here's one of my recent pieces I worked on.